Pour aujourd’hui comme pour demain…

For today and tomorrow...

My island, Reunion Island, is made to shine! I crossed the sea, like many Reunion Islanders in search of adventure, opportunities and success. ✨
Being away from home builds personality. Brings a new perception of life. Makes people aware of the richness of our “péï”. Even if there is a storm in our body, the sun remains in our hearts because we are proud of our roots. Proud of our culture ! 🔥
Through this site, I wish to share our culinary traditions, our remedies, our know-how. I am incredibly lucky to have wonderful parents who regularly send me packages of little gems from my island... But I am aware that this luck will not last unfortunately. 🫣
See for yourself to what extent mixed culture is a land of diversity, and that distance cannot make us forget it...
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